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2010 Toyota Camry LE Review


by Luc Gagné ,

When you think about it though, would the “basic” Camry buyer really be interested? Those usually looking for a nicely affordable car will be turned off by the $4,310 extra they have to dish out to get that particular piece of equipment.

The Camry is more expensive than its rivals. While its reputation helps convince a lot of buyers, the competition now offers products that are just as attractive in many regards.

And right from the get-go, the Camry LE is pricier than every one of its rivals, except the Honda Accord, impaired by an even higher base price. And we’re talking about major differences here, in the $2,000 to $3,000 range depending on the rival. A point that has the potential to make a buyer think twice about his decision. Especially if he’s considering of buying a basic car, grey inside and grey out, for himself – an average guy.

Photo Credit : Matthieu Lambert
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