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Interview of Dave Mondragon


by Rob Rothwell ,

Dave Mondragon is the latest president of Ford Canada, and he's a man with vision and passion. I had the opportunity to chat with Dave at the Vancouver International Auto Show. It was clear from the first word that Dave is a high energy, forward thinking individual with an engaging personality.

Given the world economic climate and the turbulence and uncertainty afflicting the North American auto industry, I asked Dave to comment on how Ford plans to increase consumer confidence in its products.

Dave launched into a response in which he explained how Ford began its transformation three years ago to "right size" the company to weather the economic storm more nimbly by closing 17 production plants worldwide. The increased flexibility enabled the gigantic manufacturer to respond to changing markets and expectations quickly and efficiently.

The "transformation" will soon result in all of Ford's passenger vehicles either attaining or meeting 'Best in Class' fuel economy as the multitude of transformational programs move forward. Ford is looking into the future to ensure its products reflect consumer needs and desires, and we all know that fuel efficiency and diminished environmental impact are important factors in the decision-making formula of today's buyers.

Ford's commitment to these ideals along with quality has enabled its new vehicles, such as the Flex, to achieve a 50% conquest rate. That means that at least half of its buyers are leaving a differing brand for a Ford product. Perhaps an even more impressive statistic is that in the last four months, Ford has outsold Toyota.

Despite Ford's recent bragging rights over Toyota, Dave knows that the auto industry in general is in trouble. It's said that the auto industry in Canada makes up 20% of the economy, so fitness within this sector is essential for good overall Canadian economic health.

Knowing Dave would soon address the Canadian Government with a proposed 'Scrappage Program,' I asked him how such a program would benefit consumers. Dave explained that the proposed model would be of sufficient substance to make it truly worthwhile for owners of older, higher polluting vehicles to turn those vehicles in and purchase new, cleaner operating and more efficient vehicles.

While exactly what that amount of coin may be has yet to be publicly announced, the concept holds much promise for the environment and the auto industry. The appetite of taxpayers to endorse such a campaign awaits to be seen. Fundamentally there are, according to Dave Mondragon, very sound business reasons for backing a scrappage program that will benefit all living, breathing Canadians while also kick starting a revitalized economy.

Whether the Canadian Government adopt a scrappage/stimulus program in support of the auto industry has yet to be answered but on behalf of Ford Canada, Dave will press-on in another transformation effort; this one designed to transform the scrappage proposal into reality.

Photo Credit : Ford